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在所有副本中,《七杀阵》算是高产副本了。 在七杀阵中,不仅可以获得高额的经验和灵气,还可以获得大量的红星玉和银币。 七杀阵也是每天必做的。 日常的。
七杀阵作为游戏前期可以参与的低级副本,只需要玩家达到30级组队即可参与,完美闯关可以获得高额经验. 七杀阵虽然全天开放,但玩家只能进入一次。
在七杀阵法中,玩家需要和队友配合好,因为副本中有七个阵法。 除了第一个和最后一个阵法外,其他阵法每回合刷出20名不同资质的昆仑奴。 昆仑奴铜帝后一星,击杀昆仑银奴两星,昆仑金三星,昆仑寒玉七星。 When the star 7, you will get the . And when the all the and kills the , he must also kill the boss Zhen to pass the level .
As a game, the mount is . other games where you can get by , the mount of game the s in the game.
In the mount of the of game, can enter a copy of the mount, and then for the beast cave. In the cave, we will . At this time, it on you are right or wrong.
After the cave, the only needs to use a rope to lasso the beast and keep as close as to the beast until the beast is to tame it. the is , it also to have more in the game, which is a good for in-depth of the game.
to you
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